Improving care with a health assessment

As a new Medicare Advantage member, you can rest assured that Sanford Health Plan is here to help you with your health care needs and lifestyle goals.
One way we do this is with our brief health questionnaire called a health assessment. When you receive your welcome booklet, you’ll find the health assessment included.
The health assessment is a screening tool that asks questions related to your health and lifestyle. You’ll find questions related to your:
- Health conditions and how you feel about your health
- Hearing, vision and dental health
- Ability to complete daily activities
- Nutrition and exercise
- Support systems
Filling out the form is quick and easy. Members can do it on their own and mail it to Sanford Health Plan using the enclosed return envelope. It can also be completed over the phone with a health navigator or our sales agents are also available to help with health assessment forms.
Benefits of a Health Assessment
When you complete a health assessment, it provides a better understanding of your current situation so our team can connect you with resources and programs to meet your needs and improve your health.
Our holistic approach is meant to enrich every area of your life. Our services include:
- Case management programs for complex or chronic health conditions
- Specialty programs for those transitioning home after a hospital stay or those with cancer, kidney disease, a transplant or a mental health condition
- Assistance to secure financial, housing, transportation, food or social resources
- Pharmacy programs to review medications for any interactions and look for cost savings
- Recommendations for benefits a member may not know about
- Collaboration with doctors and other care team members to coordinate care
Our team is here to support members like you, making sure you have access to the resources and benefits you need.
If you have questions about your health assessment, contact our Health Navigators at (888) 475-3485 or online at
Align powered by Sanford Health Plan is a PPO with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Align powered by Sanford Health Plan depends on contract renewal. Sanford Health Plan complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, or any other classification protected under the law. This information is not a complete list of benefits. Call (888) 605-9277 ( TTY: 711) for more information. If you need language services or information given in a different format please call (888) 278-6485 (TTY: (888) 279-1549). ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al (888) 278-6485 (TTY: (888) 279-1549). 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電(888) 278-6485 (TTY: (888) 279-1549). Our customer service lines are available 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CST, 7 days a week, October 1-March 31 except on Christmas and Thanksgiving, and Monday through Friday all other dates except on federal holidays.
CMS ID Number: H8385_444-507-691-PY2022-ND-SD_M, H3186_444-507-691-PY2022-MN_M
Last Updated On: 2.21.24 at 10:30 AM